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Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye 20X in Water
品牌:Vivantis Technologies

Home Dyes qPCR Dyes Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye 20X in Water Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye 20X in Water Description Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye (equivalent to EvaGreen? Dye) is one of the most sensitive dyes to detect double stranded DNA in quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) experiments as well as high-resolution DNA melt curve analysis, yielding robust and reproducible results.

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Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye 20X in Water

Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye (equivalent to EvaGreen® Dye) is one of the most sensitive dyes to detect double stranded DNA in quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) experiments as well as high-resolution DNA melt curve analysis, yielding robust and reproducible results.

Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye has excitation and emission spectra very close to those of fluorescein (FAM), making the Viva qGreen II Fluorescent dye compatible with instruments equipped with 488nm argon laser or any visible light excitation with wavelength in the region. The PCR reaction can be monitored using FAM channel on PCR cycler.

Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye is generally less inhibitory toward PCR and is less likely to cause nonspecific amplification compared to Viva qGreen I Fluorescent Dye (equivalent to SYBR® Green Dye). Besides, Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye can be used at higher concentration, resulting in more robust PCR signal. The higher concentration of Viva qGreen II Fluerescent Dye permitted qPCR eliminates “dye redistribution” problems. The “dye redistribution” problem which normally occur with Viva qGreen I Fluorescent Dye during post-PCR DNA melt curve analysis make Viva qGreen I Fluorescent dye unreliable for DNA melt curve analysis.

The high quantum yield, excellent stability and sensitivity as well as lowest inhibition toward PCR make the Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye the ideal fluorephore in real-time PCR applications and ideal for use in a range of applications.


  • Real-time PCR experiments
  • Melt curve analysis
  • Real-time monitoring of thermophilic helicase-dependent amplification (tHDA)
  • Routine solution DNA quantification
  • Mass screening

The dye is noncytotoxic & nonmutagenic for safe handling and easy disposal down to drain, completely impermeable to cell membrane. 
Higher sensitivity
Low PCR inhibitory and high concentration of dye used for maximal signal and high resolution DNA melt analysis. 
Extremely stable
Stable during storage and under PCR condition. No dye decomposition in PCR buffer at 95-100°C for 48 hours. Highly stable under alkaline or acidic condition and able to withstand repeated freeze-thaw cycles. 
Versatile applications 
Used as a general double stranded DNA binding dye for DNA quantification, melt curve analysis and more. 
Compatible with most system
Compatible with major brands of qPCR instruments & enzyme systems. Compatible with fast PCR protocol & multiplex PCR. 
Excellent for qPCR and isothermal application
Brighter and more sensitive than Viva qGreen I Fluorescent Dye (equivalent to SYBR® Green) for detecting amplification due to novel ‘release on demand’ DNA binding mechanism


Ordering Information

Catalog No Description Pack Size
SD1103 Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye 20X in Water 1ml/pack


Viva qGreen II Fluorescent Dye 20X in Water

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