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GenCatch TM Plant RNA Purification Kit
品牌:Epoch Life Science
货号:1760050 1760250 1780010

GenCatch TM Plant RNA Purification Kit Catalog# size Price Quantity 1760050 50 Mini Preps $189.00 1760250 250 Mini Preps $828.00 1780010 10 Maxi Preps $126.00 Description GenCatch TM Plant RNA Purification System provides a simple, fast and cost-effective method to purify RNA Plant and fugal samples. It comes with shearing tubes for simple and fast homogenization and filtration of plant

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GenCatch TM Plant RNA Purification Kit Catalog# size Price Quantity 1760050 50 Mini Preps $189.00 1760250 250 Mini Preps $828.00 1780010 10 Maxi Preps $126.00 Description GenCatch TM Plant RNA Purification System provides a simple, fast and cost-effective method to purify RNA Plant and fugal samples. It comes with shearing tubes for simple and fast homogenization and filtration of plant tissues. It uses a simple silica-membrane spin-column method to isolate total RNA greater than 200 nucleotides while excluding smaller RNA such as 5S, 5.8S and tRNA without phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. The system also provides additional buffer for handling plant tissue that contai sticky secondary metabolites. RNA isolated can be used for a variety of molecular manipulations such as: Northern blotting, RT-PCR, PolyA+ RNA selection, cDNA synthesis, Primer extension and in vitro translation, etc. Detailed Components High quality spin columns, collection tubes together with buffers and protocols. Features Miniprep Maxiprep Sample Size up tp 100 mg plant tissue up to 1 g of plant tissue Binding Capacity up tp 100 ug up to 1 mg Elution Volume 50 ul 500 ul Technical Data Plant RNA Purification Formaldehyde agarose gel analysis of total RNA isolated from various plant samples with GenCatch TM Plant RNA Purification System. Lane 1: Tobacco; 2: Arabidopsis; 3: Rice; 4: Tomato leaves; 5: Tomato stem; 6: Tomato root. 2 ug of total RNA was loaded per lane. Plant RNA Purification RT-PCR if total RNA extracted from different tissue of tomato with GenCatch TM Plant RNA Purification System. Lane 1: total RNA from leaves; 2: total RNA from stem; 3: total RNA from root; 1 kb DNA marker is on the left. 规格:50 Mini Preps 250 Mini Preps 10 Maxi Preps
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