貨號檢索:zeta corporation,axygen貨號
zeta corporation,axygen貨號,歡迎前來選購axygen耗材。美國Axygen公司是一家位于硅谷地區的高科技企業,主要產品為實驗室耗材,zeta corporation,包括:axygen吸頭、PCR薄壁管、PCR板、PCR封口膜、離心管、離心管架和分離柱。
美國Axygen公司是一家位于硅谷地區的高科技企業,主要產品為實驗室耗材,zeta corporation,包括:吸頭、PCR薄壁管、PCR板、PCR封口膜、離心管、離心管架和分離柱。Axygen公司的產品具有多項目**和**技術,如:模具金剛石拋光技術;MAXYMUM RECOVERY? 技術保證產品絕無掛壁現象,同類產品各品牌中對蛋白質和核酸的吸附*小。在國內建有愛思進生物技術(杭州)有限公司,專業生產核酸純化試劑盒及各類生物實驗耗材。
愛思進生物技術(杭州)有限公司是美國 Axygen 在杭投資、專業生產核酸純化試劑盒及各類生物實驗耗材的生物技術高新企業。公司擁有 4000 平方米廠房和 800 平方米萬級無塵車間,生產設備先進,設施齊全,并擁有一支實力雄厚的科研隊伍。公司生產的核酸純化與分析試劑盒系自主研究開發,zeta corporation,采用自己獨特的技術路線,擁有自主知識產權,多種產品的技術水平**于國際同行。
Through continuous new product innovation, Axygen brand products offer new solutions for genomics sample handling, delivery and storage, improving the way research is done in the laboratory today. Axygen brand products include automation tips, pipet tips, PCR plates, deep well and storage plates, microtubes, sealing options, and the AxyPrep? portfolio of nucleic acid purification kits for Next Generation Sequencing applications.zeta corporation
Axygen branded plastic consumables are made and certified to be free from DNase/RNase and are nonpyrogenic..
From collection to analysis, our technical experts understand your challenges and your need for simplified, efficient, low- to high-throughput genomics processes.
A combination of global manufacturing expertise, extensive use of in-house automation, an unsurpassed commitment to product innovation and a thorough understanding of your processes enables Corning to offer a beginning-to-end portfolio of high-quality, reliable consumables and reagents for genomics applications.